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Tabellen 19 Oct 2010 21:01 #163163

  • kaiko
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Hoi zäme3 Beispiele für eine Tabellenausgabe der Wetterdaten, zu definieren im Menü Grafikdefinition.A:Tagesdaten im 5 Minutenintervall:timeframe=1Dfctextlist=Regen,bedeckt,wechselhaft,sonnig,Schnee,leicht_bewoelkt,klar,Nieseln,Schneeflockendirlist=Norden,Nord-NO,Nordosten,Ost-NO,Osten,Ost-SO,Südosten,Süd-SO,Süden,Süd-SW,Südwesten,West-SW,Westen,West-NW,Nordwesten,Nord-NWres=min5gtitle=Tagestabelle # name of graphgtype=table # type of graphglunit=Datum_-_Zeitgrunit=%d.%m.20%y_-_%H.%MUhrgtrim=0gtablestyle=style="background-color:#fafafa;border:2px_#000000_solid;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:10px;"gtdheadstyle=style="background-color:#9A9A9A;border:1px_#000000_solid;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;text-align:center;color:#FFFFFF;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"gtdstyle=style="border:1px_#000000_solid;text-align:center;font-family:Arial,sans-serif,Arial;font-weight:normal;font-size:.7em;color:#000000;background-color:#F8F8F8;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;"sid0=th0 sunit0=_°C sname0=Temperatur ssel0=tempsid1=th0 sunit1=_°C sname1=Taupunkt ssel1=dewsid2=th0 sunit2=_% sname2=Feuchte ssel2=hum sprec2=0sid3=sol0 sunit3=_W/m² sname3=Solar ssel3=radmaxsid4=wind0 sunit4=_km/h sname4=_Wind_ ssel4=gust sfactor4=3.6sid5=wind0 sunit5= sname5=aus_Richtung ssel5=maindirtextsid6=wind0 sunit6=_km/h sname6=_Windböen ssel6=gustmax sfactor6=3.6sid7=thb0 sunit7=_hPa sname7=Luftdruck_(QFF) ssel7=seapresssid8=rain0 sunit8=_mm sname8=Regen ssel8=totalsid9=rain0 sunit9=_mm/h sname9=Regenstärke ssel9=ratemaxsid10=thb0 sunit10= sname10=Trend ssel10=forecasttextB: Monatsdaten im Tagesintervall:timeframe=1Mres=Day1dirlist=N,N-NO,NO,O-NO,O,O-SO,SO,S-SO,S,S-SW,SW,W-SW,W,W-NW,NW,N-NWgtitle=Monatstabelle # name of graphgtype=table # type of graphglunit=Datumgrunit=_%d.%m.20%ygtrim=0gtablestyle=style="background-color:#fafafa;border:2px_#000000_solid;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:10px;"gtdheadstyle=style="background-color:#9A9A9A;border:1px_#000000_solid;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;text-align:center;color:#FFFFFF;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"gtdstyle=style="border:1px_#000000_solid;text-align:center;font-family:Arial,sans-serif,Arial;font-weight:normal;font-size:.7em;color:#000000;background-color:#F8F8F8;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;"sid0=th0 sunit0=_°C sname0=
min ssel0=tempminsid1=th0 sunit1=_°C sname1=Temperatur
Ø ssel1=tempsid2=th0 sunit2=_°C sname2=
max ssel2=tempmaxsid3=th0 sunit3=_°C sname3=Taup
min ssel3=dewminsid4=th0 sunit4=_°C sname4=Taup
max ssel4=dewmaxsid5=th0 sunit5=_% sname5=Feuchte
Ø ssel5=hum sprec5=0sid6=th0 sunit6=_% sname6=Feuchte
min ssel6=hummin sprec6=0sid7=sol0 sunit7=_W/m² sname7=Solar
Ø ssel7=rad sprec7=0sid8=sol0 sunit8=_W/m² sname8=Solar
max ssel8=radmax sprec8=0sid9=wind0 sunit9=_km/h sname9=Wind
Ø ssel9=gust sfactor9=3.6sid10=wind0 sunit10=_km/h sname10=Böen
max ssel10=gustmax sfactor10=3.6sid11=wind0 sunit11= sname11=
aus ssel11=highdirtextsid12=thb0 sunit12=_hPa sname12=
min ssel12=seapressminsid13=thb0 sunit13=_hPa sname13=Luftdruck
Ø ssel13=seapresssid14=thb0 sunit14=_hPa sname14=
max ssel14=seapressmaxsid15=rain0 sunit15=_mm sname15=Regen
Summe ssel15=totalsid16=rain0 sunit16=_mm/h sname16=Regen
max ssel16=ratemax sprec16=0C: Jahresdaten im Monatsintervall:timeframe=1Ydirlist=N,N-NO,NO,O-NO,O,O-SO,SO,S-SO,S,S-SW,SW,W-SW,W,W-NW,NW,N-NWres=Month1gtitle=Jahrestabelle # name of graphgtype=table # type of graphglunit=Monatgrunit=_%bgtrim=0gtablestyle=style="background-color:#fafafa;border:2px_#000000_solid;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:10px;"gtdheadstyle=style="background-color:#9A9A9A;border:1px_#000000_solid;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;text-align:center;color:#FFFFFF;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"gtdstyle=style="border:1px_#000000_solid;text-align:center;font-family:Arial,sans-serif,Arial;font-weight:normal;font-size:.7em;color:#000000;background-color:#F8F8F8;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;"sid0=th0 sunit0=_°C sname0=
min ssel0=tempminsid1=th0 sunit1=_°C sname1=Temperatur
Ø ssel1=tempsid2=th0 sunit2=_°C sname2=
max ssel2=tempmaxsid3=th0 sunit3=_°C sname3=Taup
min ssel3=dewminsid4=th0 sunit4=_°C sname4=Taup
max ssel4=dewmaxsid5=th0 sunit5=_% sname5=Feuchte
Ø ssel5=hum sprec5=0sid6=th0 sunit6=_% sname6=Feuchte
min ssel6=hummin sprec6=0sid7=sol0 sunit7=_W/m² sname7=Solar
Ø ssel7=rad sprec7=0sid8=sol0 sunit8=_W/m² sname8=Solar
max ssel8=radmax sprec8=0sid9=wind0 sunit9=_km/h sname9=Wind
Ø ssel9=gust sfactor9=3.6sid10=wind0 sunit10=_km/h sname10=Böen
max ssel10=gustmax sfactor10=3.6sid11=wind0 sunit11= sname11=
aus ssel11=highdirtextsid12=thb0 sunit12=_hPa sname12=
min ssel12=seapressminsid13=thb0 sunit13=_hPa sname13=Luftdruck
Ø ssel13=seapresssid14=thb0 sunit14=_hPa sname14=
max ssel14=seapressmaxsid15=rain0 sunit15=_mm sname15=Regen
Summe ssel15=totalsid16=rain0 sunit16= sname16=Regen
Tage ssel16=days sprec16=0Gruss Kaiko

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Tabellen 15 Jul 2011 15:57 #165628

  • Siber Edy
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...wie kriege ich noch einen "Kalender" für diese obigen Tabelle(n) von Kaiko hin...?(


bei mir sieht's z.Zt. noch so aus


danke allen...!:daumen_hoch:


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...never ever give up!


Tabellen 16 Jul 2011 10:40 #165629

  • kaiko
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Hallo Edy

Es ist etwas anspruchsvoll. Die Links auf die Steuerdateien und Grafiken müssen vorhanden und richtig gesetzt sein, ansonsten funktionierts ned.

Ich habe im Frühjahr eine Anleitung geschrieben. Versuche es nochmals damit.
Hier die Anleitung:


Gruss Kaiko

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Tabellen 16 Jul 2011 12:58 #165630

  • benz
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Hallo Kaiko

Danke für diese tolle Anleitung. Damit befasse ich mich gerne mal, wenn ein Ferientag buchstäblich ins Wasser fällt! :-)

Gruss benz

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Tabellen 25 Jul 2011 15:04 #165686

  • Stebi
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Hallo Kaiko
vielen Dank für Diese Anleitung; hat mir viele Inputs gegeben. Könntest Du vielleicht noch von Deiner tolllen Thumb-Grafik mit den Aktuellen/Tages/Monats/Jahres/Extremwerten die "thumb.def" veröffentlich? Im Voraus besten Dank.

Gruss aus Basel


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Tabellen 25 Jul 2011 15:59 #165687

  • kaiko
  • kaiko's Avatar Topic Author
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Hallo Thomas

Hier der Code der Thumbgrafik (Speichern unter z.B. grafik.def):

-size 800x260 gradient:white-lightblue
-bordercolor black -border 0

-fill black
-pointsize 11
-draw "text 8 15 'Wetterstation Döttingen'"
-pointsize 10
-draw "text 8 30 '[actual_day1_misc_localtime_8_2:--].[actual_day1_misc_localtime_5_2:--].[actual_day1_misc_localtime_0_4:--]'"
-draw "text 80 30 '[actual_day1_misc_uploadlocaltime_11_5:] Uhr'"

-pointsize 11
-draw "text 8 55 'Temp 2m'"
-draw "text 8 80 'Taupunkt'"
-draw "text 8 105 'Feuchte'"
-draw "text 8 130 'Luftdruck'"
-draw "text 8 155 'Wind-Ø'"
-draw "text 8 170 'Böen-1h'"
-draw "text 8 185 'Richtung'"
-draw "text 8 210 'Regen-1h'"
-draw "text 8 225 'Intensität'"
-draw "text 8 250 'Solar Rad'"

-draw "text 80 55 '[actual_min5_th0_temp:--] °C'"
-draw "text 80 80 '[actual_min5_th0_dew:--] °C'"
-draw "text 80 105 '[actual_min5_th0_hum_0:--]%'"
-draw "text 80 130 '[actual_min5_thb0_seapress:--] hPa'"
-draw "text 80 155 '[actual_min5_wind0_gust_1_3.6:--] km/h'"
-draw "text 80 170 '[actual_hour1_wind0_gustmax_1_3.6:--] km/h'"
-draw "text 80 185 '[actual_hour1_wind0_highdirtext:--]'"
-draw "text 80 210 '[actual_hour1_rain0_total_1:--] mm'"
-draw "text 80 225 '[actual_hour1_rain0_ratemax_1:--] mm/h'"
-draw "text 80 250 '[actual_min5_sol0_rad_0:--] W/m²'"

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-draw "text 150 255 '|'"
-draw "text 150 265 '|'"

-draw "text 159 15 'Tageswerte'"
-draw "text 230 15 '[actual_day1_misc_uploadlocaltime_8_2:]'"
-draw "text 285 15 'Monatswerte'"
-draw "text 365 15 '[actual_day1_misc_uploadlocaltime_5_2:]'"
-draw "text 430 15 'Jahreswerte'"
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-draw "text 645 15 'Extremwerte ab'"

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-draw "text 160 80 '[actual_day1_th0_dewmin_1:--] °C'"
-draw "text 160 90 '[actual_day1_th0_dewmax_1:--] °C'"
-draw "text 160 105 '[actual_day1_th0_hummin_0:--] %'"
-draw "text 160 115 '[actual_day1_th0_hummax_0:--] %'"
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-draw "text 160 140 '[actual_day1_thb0_seapressmax_1:--] hPa'"
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-draw "text 160 185 'aus [actual_day1_wind0_highdirtext:--]'"
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-draw "text 160 225 '[1D_day1_rain0_ratemax_0:--] mm/h'"
-draw "text 160 250 '[actual_day1_sol0_radmax_0:--] W/m²'"

-draw "text 230 40 '-Zeit-'"
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-draw "text 230 65 '[actual_day1_th0_tempmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
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-draw "text 230 170 '[1D_day1_wind0_gustmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 230 210 '/ Tag'"
-draw "text 230 225 '[1D_day1_rain0_ratemaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 230 250 '[actual_day1_sol0_radmaxtime_11_5:--]'"

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-pointsize 10
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-draw "text 285 140 '[actual_month1_thb0_seapressmax_1:--] hPa'"
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-draw "text 285 185 'aus [actual_month1_wind0_highdirtext:--]'"
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-draw "text 285 225 '[actual_month1_rain0_ratemax_0:--] mm/h'"
-draw "text 285 250 '[actual_month1_sol0_radmax_0:--] W/m²'"

-draw "text 365 40 '-Zeit-'"
-draw "text 395 40 'Tag'"
-draw "text 365 55 '[actual_month1_th0_tempmintime_11_5:--] [actual_month1_th0_tempmintime_8_2:--]'"
-draw "text 365 65 '[actual_month1_th0_tempmaxtime_11_5:--] [actual_month1_th0_tempmaxtime_8_2:--]'"
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-draw "text 365 210 '/ Monat'"
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-draw "text 365 250 '[actual_month1_sol0_radmaxtime_11_5:--] [actual_month1_sol0_radmaxtime_8_2:--]'"

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-draw "text 430 185 'aus [actual_year1_wind0_highdirtext:--]'"
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-draw "text 430 225 '[actual_year1_rain0_ratemax_0:--] mm/h'"
-draw "text 430 250 '[actual_year1_sol0_radmax_0:--] W/m²'"

-draw "text 510 40 '-Zeit-'"
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-draw "text 510 65 '[actual_year1_th0_tempmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 510 80 '[actual_year1_th0_dewmintime_11_5:--]'"
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-draw "text 510 130 '[actual_year1_thb0_pressmintime_11_5:--]'"
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-draw "text 510 170 '[actual_year1_wind0_gustmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 510 210 '/ Jahr'"
-draw "text 510 225 '[actual_year1_rain0_ratemaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 510 250 '[actual_year1_sol0_radmaxtime_11_5:--]'"

-draw "text 510 40 '-Zeit-'"
-draw "text 545 40 'Datum'"
-draw "text 545 55 '[actual_year1_th0_tempmintime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_th0_tempmintime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 65 '[actual_year1_th0_tempmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_th0_tempmaxtime_5_2:--]'"
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-draw "text 545 90 '[actual_year1_th0_dewmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_th0_dewmaxtime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 105 '[actual_year1_th0_hummintime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_th0_hummintime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 130 '[actual_year1_thb0_pressmintime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_thb0_pressmintime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 140 '[actual_year1_thb0_pressmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_thb0_pressmaxtime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 170 '[actual_year1_wind0_gustmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_wind0_gustmaxtime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 225 '[actual_year1_rain0_ratemaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_rain0_ratemaxtime_5_2:--]'"
-draw "text 545 250 '[actual_year1_sol0_radmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_year1_sol0_radmaxtime_5_2:--]'"

-pointsize 10
-draw "text 590 40 'Ø-Werte'"
-draw "text 590 55 '[actual_year1_th0_temp_1:--] °C'"
-draw "text 590 80 '[actual_year1_th0_dew_1:--] °C'"
-draw "text 590 105 '[actual_year1_th0_hum_0:--] %'"
-draw "text 588 130 '[actual_year1_thb0_seapress_0:--] hPa'"
-draw "text 590 250 '[actual_year1_sol0_rad_0:--] W/m²'"

-pointsize 11
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-draw "text 638 255 '|'"
-draw "text 638 265 '|'"

-pointsize 10
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-draw "text 645 80 '[actual_alltime_th0_dewmin_1:--] °C'"
-draw "text 645 90 '[actual_alltime_th0_dewmax_1:--] °C'"
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-draw "text 645 140 '[actual_alltime_thb0_seapressmax_1:--] hPa'"
-draw "text 645 170 '[actual_alltime_wind0_gustmax_1_3.6:--] km/h'"
-draw "text 645 185 'aus [actual_alltime_wind0_highdirtext:--]'"
-draw "text 645 200 '1120 mm'"
-draw "text 715 200 'Jahr'"
-draw "text 750 200 '2002'"
-draw "text 645 210 '[actual_alltime_rain0_total_0:--] mm'"
-draw "text 645 225 '[actual_alltime_rain0_ratemax_0:--] mm/h'"
-draw "text 645 250 '[actual_alltime_sol0_radmax_0:--] W/m²'"

-draw "text 715 40 '-Zeit-'"
-draw "text 715 55 '[actual_alltime_th0_tempmintime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 65 '[actual_alltime_th0_tempmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 80 '[actual_alltime_th0_dewmintime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 90 '[actual_alltime_th0_dewmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 105 '[actual_alltime_th0_hummintime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 130 '[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmintime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 140 '[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 170 '[actual_alltime_wind0_gustmaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 210 'seit'"
-draw "text 715 225 '[actual_alltime_rain0_ratemaxtime_11_5:--]'"
-draw "text 715 250 '[actual_alltime_sol0_radmaxtime_11_5:--]'"

-draw "text 750 40 'Datum'"
-draw "text 750 15 '01-01-02'"
-draw "text 750 55 '[actual_alltime_th0_tempmintime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_tempmintime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_tempmintime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 65 '[actual_alltime_th0_tempmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_tempmaxtime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_tempmaxtime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 80 '[actual_alltime_th0_dewmintime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_dewmintime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_dewmintime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 90 '[actual_alltime_th0_dewmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_dewmaxtime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_dewmaxtime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 105 '[actual_alltime_th0_hummintime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_hummintime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_th0_hummintime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 130 '[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmintime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmintime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmintime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 140 '[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmaxtime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_thb0_pressmaxtime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 170 '[actual_alltime_wind0_gustmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_wind0_gustmaxtime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_wind0_gustmaxtime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 210 '01-01-02'"
-draw "text 750 225 '[actual_alltime_rain0_ratemaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_rain0_ratemaxtime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_rain0_ratemaxtime_2_2:--]'"
-draw "text 750 250 '[actual_alltime_sol0_radmaxtime_8_2:--]-[actual_alltime_sol0_radmaxtime_5_2:--]-[actual_alltime_sol0_radmaxtime_2_2:--]'"

In den ersten 2 Zeilen kann die Farbe und Grösse beliebig gewählt werden.
Wie man sieht ist es keine hexerei eine eigene Grafik zu erstellen. draw "text x y 'text'".
x,y sind die Pixelkoordinaten in der Grafik wo der Text hin soll. Die Wettervariablen kennt man aus dem Handbuch.
pointsize 10 gleich Textgrösse.

Gruss Kaiko

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Tabellen 25 Jul 2011 22:49 #165692

  • Stebi
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  • Visitor
Vielen Dank für die prompte Antwort. Ich werde das Template an meine Wetterstation anpassen.


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